Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Allegories

Wow after viewing your allegories I was again deeply impressed with the raw talent that exists in the film program. Richard and Annie your film was a bold interpretation of Lehi's dream. I loved the shot that captured people as they moved across space and bumped into one another. I also really enjoyed how you people remove their blindfolds to really experience joy. Your film was deeply metaphorical. Liz and Sarah your board game was a cleaver way of representing Lehi's vision. Both of you did great in thinking non-conventionally to come up with the rules of your board game as well as the board game itself. Mariana and Melissa your film of traveling to Salt Lake was visually captivating. It was fun to see what you chose to represent the various parts of Lehi's dream. I will never think of the railway station in Salt Lake City in the same way. Mont your script deserves to be filmed. I loved how you used getting to class as a way of representing the tree and its fruit. Elisabeth your children's short story/film was a joy to behold. I really like how you chose something from your family history and incorporated it to Lehi's Dream.

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