I think being motivated by faith in terms of my filmmaking, will help me know that I am capable of doing amazing things with it. I can inspired others and do things that will change their lives, but I know I will do that for them to be compelled to change for the better because of faith. I know I will have to trust my Heavenly Father a lot during the times ahead when I will encounter many different people in the industry that might not understand my faith and I might not understand their's, but I got to have faith that everything will turn out fine if I don't fall into the trap of not holding on to what I believe, but at the same time relying on myself some, like my friendly personality and seeing the good in others no matter where they come from. As long as I respect others in the workplace and be sensible to others in not just the workplace but in my films I will be fine with my art. I know I've prayed a lot about things like what to do for a film in the past, I know I will continue to do this for future projects. It really does give me the strength I need when it comes to this. It really is a tough line of work sometimes, but it's what I love and I know it's what the Lord wants me to do with my life. I know when I saw the Jeremiah series for the first time for the class I felt that the things Jared and Jeff put into it where prayed about and really carefully thought about. The series also touches on the topic of promptings. In the church we are overwhelmed by many experiences having to do with it. I know in my personal life I see this often and have had many powerful experiences with it. Jeremiah is a very average Mormon college student who has to do many difficult things because the Lord prompted him to. I can relate to this very much since I've been asked to do many hard things, but in the end, everything will be alright if we follow those promptings and have trust in the Lord. That is the first thing I need to do with every project I encounter.
Your faith is great to learn about. I really respect you for trusting in God about the projects that you will be a part of in your filmmaking career. Holding onto what you truly believe in is a central part of being a Mormon artist. I agree with you that the things contained in Jer3miah were carefully selected. We are so fortunate to be able to study film here at BYU.
I like the plan you've got for yourself here; having faith, trusting and asking God, and operating on trust and -I assume-love. It is difficult to follow promptings sometimes, but good for you! You sound sure of your convictions and that's wonderful!