As the world progresses digitally it seems to me that the whole world is slowly becoming Americanized. I think of Rammstein’s music video for “Amerika,” with images of Tibetan monks walking around wearing Nikes and eating McDonalds, and the chorus repeats over and over "we're all living in America, it's wunderba!" a tad sarcastically. Honestly, I am grateful for the technological age we live in. There are tons more comforts than a hundred, or even fifty years ago, I just hope that countries are able to maintain their cultural identities as we all catch up to each other digitally.
Another thing I think of is the prevalence of social media. This has the effect of making huges distances seem like nothing at all. I am able to post on the wall of people from my mission 5,000 miles away. Just that seems a positive enough side effect of the digital age to not make me worry so much about everyone losing their identity. While countries and governments are having their own disputes and disagreements, the people in them can be very closely connected.
I thought the reading on Chinatown was very interesting, especially how the happenings that go on there pretty much happen in their own little world. Is that true that their own laws and customs take precedence over the American laws? If so, hats off to them for keeping that bubble going, but I think there are also dangers there.
I think you make a marvelous point about things becoming Americanized. It is amazing how closely knit the world can feel because of media. With McDonalds and Coca Cola in everywhere from Paris to China, the world seems to be shrinking. Ironically though, we still have countries without the basic necessities of clean water; the juxtaposition is unfortunate. But, perhaps if we do become more and more connected we can make more powerful efforts to help others.