We are limited by our humanity. We can only touch the beginnings of what eternity really is because anything beyond its beginnings are too vast for us to comprehend. As a result of this limited scope, we sometimes further limit ourselves by over-simplifying. One such example is our division of the sacred and secular. We love to be able to put church in one box and math, science, film, and literature in another. But is God not in math? Is he not in science and art and literature? If He is not then it is not because these things are secular, but because Satan is in them instead of God. Ergo, as we live and study in this world, it is naïve to try to separate God out of it. You cannot take the Creator out of His creation.
In a like manner, God should be in the best art. As I study the Gospel and draw closer to God, I learn to be like Him. I begin to assume the traits of the supreme Creator. And in so doing, my personal ability to create increases.
As I watched The Book of Jer3miah, I appreciated the way that God was not denied his place in “secular” things. Why shouldn’t a Latter-day Saint be the lead in a 24-esque series? If this is really the true Church of Jesus Christ, then it is not for the select, it is for all the children of God. I like that it is not ashamed of the gospel. I think we sometimes get so caught up in a certain brand of Mormon culture that we hide away, forgetting that that is not what is at the root of our faith.
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