I really enjoy reading a good book after a long day after school or doing something that would not necessarily help me "escape" from what I need to do. I really like to put myself in the protagonist's position and try to put on their perspective into my imagination. Depending on how vivid or detailed the description is about not just the character, but its surrounding and everyone or everything around it, will determine how I capture all that in my mind. When I absolutely love a book I am greatly immersed in it, sometimes I could not even put it down for as long as possible. I always remember this when I read "The Great Gatsby". It is my all-time favorite book and it was the first one I actually enjoyed reading because of how the author would describe the main character's struggle of emotions and how that played out throughout the book and with everything that concerned him and his life.
Film, of course, is a type of media I also love. I think that when I see any film I like to first see who is the main person the story is about or what is the main idea. From there I go into their world or try to see what the motives and reasons are. Sometimes it is not the case that they have to follow that. With non-linear narrative it is this way I found when taking the Intro to Film class. It really opened my eyes to new ways of seeing film. Not everything has a organization in film. It is like an art piece hanging in a gallery, sometimes it is very abstract and it is left to an individual's interpretation of it. I try to find symbolism, metaphor, or some kind of double meaning if this is the case when it comes to watching a film. And this is of course the same when I engage in viewing an art piece.Whatever emotion that it conveys in me is how I interpret it. The colors, the shapes, whatever can make in terms of what feelings I feel, is how I see it.
-Melissa Marquez
I love to read also for the escape that it can bring. What I found so good from your response is putting yourself in the protagonist's perspective. That was one of my favorite lessons from the book To Kill a Mockingbird and how Atticus teaches his children to see things from others perspectives. Film is very subjective and how each person interprets a given film and its didactic themes will be different. Non-linear narratives where unique to me as well and I have to learn to appreciate them better.